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Easy Theming <p>The Structure of websites on PageTree</p><p><img src="https://ucarecdn.com/6fa12142-ef83-40a1-8711-3344c95e86d9/"></p><p>Pick a base template, or start fresh. HTML, Javascript, CSS, all available within panes for easy development of a theme. </p><p>Standard content holders in our theming process (such as logos, headers, nav layouts, main content areas, footers) are all dropped into your HTML theme mark-down. Additional content holders such as widgets, re-usable content are inserted as well as shortcodes.Create as many themes per project as needed, assign pages to themes.</p><p>Use SASS, and split CSS into tabs to organize... our platform will combine and minify on the fly.<br></p><p><img src="https://ucarecdn.com/f94563fb-80b7-4b3b-88bd-e416978773fb/-/preview/" alt="Screen Shot 2016-10-11 at 7.02.44 PM.png"></p><p><br></p><h2>Forget about FTP</h2><p>For all of your assets, Drag n drop anything into the file manager within the CMS. Double click on the item uploaded and get it's source path instantly to paste into your themes.<br></p><p><img src="https://ucarecdn.com/5056c725-a2d6-4575-9f3e-98c6fedfd132/-/preview/" alt="Screen Shot 2016-10-11 at 7.06.48 PM.png"></p><p><br></p><p></p> <p>No PHP required<br></p> View Item
Built in Editors <p>We use the Ace™ code editor which matches the features and performance of native editors such as Sublime, Vim and TextMate. </p><p><img src="https://ucarecdn.com/04d6aced-a9e6-4bca-96e9-daecaf6fe3e5/-/preview/" alt="Screen Shot 2016-10-11 at 7.26.37 PM 1.png"></p><p>Get efficient with SASS and mix-ins, and separate your CSS areas with tabs and have PageTree combine and minify your CSS and Javascript. In addition, we save time by adding an auto-prefixer for post CSS compiling. The Auto prefixer will Parse CSS and add vendor prefixes </p> <p><img src="https://ucarecdn.com/f26d250c-2eee-40eb-80a9-4d04db88fc87/-/preview/" alt="Screen Shot 2016-10-11 at 7.18.08 PM.png"><br> <br></p> Ace Editor, SASS processing, Auto-prefixers View Item
Mini Apps So your client wants a quick "staff directory". Something they can easily manage.<p></p>Simply done with PageTree CMS... just drag in the fields to a form you want your client to fill out (ie. name, title, bio, photo, contact info)... save the form, and blammo, you now have a mini-app mapped to a database. <p></p><p><img src="https://ucarecdn.com/e1ccfc82-94ae-43b7-bb82-b0d3b54712b5/-/preview/" alt="Screen Shot 2016-10-12 at 11.43.33 AM.png"></p><br>Control the layouts of the app with simple HTML/CSS/Javascript and using Mustache syntax, plugin dynamic data.<p></p><p><img src="https://ucarecdn.com/b57a85b7-12f3-4755-8b36-3412d75d123d/-/preview/" alt="Screen Shot 2016-10-12 at 11.34.11 AM.png"></p><p>Within minutes, you have a custom database-driven mini-app ready for clients to use. No searching for plugins, no manipulating custom content fields, just easy drag n' drop data-mapping + full control of layouts.</p><p><strong>LIST VIEW</strong><br><br></p><p><img src="https://ucarecdn.com/5cdb4343-dda9-4680-b72a-e77806fd3059/-/preview/" alt="Screen Shot 2016-10-12 at 11.50.51 AM.png"></p><p><strong><br></strong></p><p><strong>DETAIL VIEW</strong></p><p><img src="https://ucarecdn.com/68806976-b517-4993-9bc2-4c48fc117821/-/preview/" alt="Screen Shot 2016-10-12 at 11.52.10 AM.png"></p> Easily create simple apps on the fly. View Item
PAAS <p>Using your Super Admin access, setup website accounts on the fly... use a development domain account until you are ready to make the switch live. Hosting is all taken care of, just point the domain using A record to our IP address when ready to go live with the real domain.</p><p><img src="https://ucarecdn.com/90d67d3b-cc59-434f-afda-4258d8f3e8e8/-/preview/" alt="Screen Shot 2016-10-12 at 12.20.46 PM.png"></p><p><br>Choose the baked-in PageTree apps to plug in (ie. e-commerce, blog, subscriptions, articles, dealer locator, and many more) and instantly you have a working site with all the built-in features setup.</p><h3>Build your own templates and libraries</h3><p>Build custom themes to re-use over and over again using starter templates. All HTML, CSS, JS files, themes, pages, and nav elements are copied over to new accounts to give you a headstart.<br></p><p><img src="https://ucarecdn.com/bf7e8cd3-96aa-4334-9bd0-74567f2132fb/-/preview/" alt="Screen Shot 2016-10-12 at 12.13.47 PM.png"></p><p><br></p><p><br></p> <p>Platform As A Service. Setup and manage accounts instantly. No software installs or patches <br></p> View Item
User Permissions <p>Add users with our standard access permissions, or create your own. Admin role is at the top and can create/edit/delete all additional users. </p><p><img src="https://ucarecdn.com/461c23a9-2eee-433e-ab6d-a543e848361f/-/preview/" alt="Screen Shot 2016-10-12 at 12.44.10 PM.png"></p><p><br>Setup your client with "client" permissions and block them out of dev areas, pages, etc.</p><p><strong>Administrator View of Locking pages<br></strong></p><p><img src="https://ucarecdn.com/6da5671f-1be6-49f2-9000-43fcd3e4a98a/-/preview/" alt="Screen Shot 2016-10-12 at 12.52.51 PM.png"></p><p><br></p><p><strong>Client View of same pages<br></strong></p><p>Administrators can now only view but not edit those pages. <br><strong></strong></p><p><img src="https://ucarecdn.com/791ff0df-7d20-4f7b-9c2d-9726d5155a87/-/preview/" alt="Screen Shot 2016-10-12 at 12.53.45 PM.png"></p><p><br></p><p><strong>Developer Views<br></strong></p><p>Developer roles will see all normal WYSYWIG areas as ACE editors.</p><p><br></p> delegate roles and access View Item
WYSIWYG <h2>WYSIWYG for clients<br></h2><p>We've researched and used most good WYSIWYG editors out there. We've decided, after listening to 100's of clients, Redactor was the clear choice with it's approach to providing clean HTML, and a limited but dynamic toolbar for clients. </p><p></p><p><img src="/app/webroot/userfiles/309/Image/Screen Shot 2016-12-12 at 1.23.55 PM.png"></p><p>Our belief is that clients should be given the appropriate tools to build within design guidelines to maintain the integrity of the website. When you introduce the freedoms of most WYSIWYG editors, clients are lost in creating from a blank canvas. Instead, we give specific areas of pages, sites, sections that allow for clients to simply format text and upload images. See our Content Builder for how we approach giving clients a framework to build their own pages with more creative freedom.</p><p><br></p><h2>Code Editor for developers<br></h2><p>In Developer mode, we replace the WYSIWYG editor with the ACE® editor.</p><p></p><p><img src="/app/webroot/userfiles/309/Image/Screen Shot 2016-12-13 at 12.35.21 PM.png" "=""></p><p><br></p> <p>Good, clean code<br></p> View Item
Form Builder <p>Who likes building forms from scratch? Us our Drag n' drop form builder to build them with inputs into rows and columns. </p><p><img src="/app/webroot/userfiles/309/Image/Screen Shot 2016-12-12 at 1.33.16 PM.png"></p><p><br></p><p>Add CSS for each input field, or stylize them site-wide with the theme editors.<br></p><p><img src="/app/webroot/userfiles/309/Image/Screen Shot 2016-12-12 at 1.33.24 PM.png"></p><p><br>Use our integrated Payment Connectors (authorize.net®, paypal®, stripe®) easily to accept payments, either one time, recurring, fixed or arbitrary amounts</p><p><img src="/app/webroot/userfiles/309/Image/Screen Shot 2016-12-12 at 2.20.40 PM.png"></p><p><br></p><p>Store all form submissions in the CMS automatically, ready for export.</p><p><img src="/app/webroot/userfiles/309/Image/Screen Shot 2016-12-12 at 2.19.00 PM.png"></p><p><br></p><p>Connect any form submission with our Zapier™ connector, allowing your clients to connect any form with their favorite CRM tool (ie. Sales Force®, Sugar®) or email marketing company (ie. Mail Chimp®, Constant Contact®, etc.).<br></p><p><br></p><p></p><p><img src="/app/webroot/userfiles/309/Image/Screen Shot 2016-12-12 at 2.18.04 PM.png"></p><p><br></p> <p>Robust and easy to create and install<br></p> View Item
Content Builder <p>Some pages are built from scratch, some are built dynamically with set template formatting, and yet another choice is to build them with our Content Builder tool. </p><p>Give your clients preset content block areas (the standard set comes with over 100 types of content blocks), or build them custom with our Section Editor and Snippets editors. This gives you real control of the site layout, but your clients will love the freedom to create one off pages that are beautiful</p><p><img src="/app/webroot/userfiles/309/Image/animate2.gif"></p><p><br></p><p>Snippets allow for you to add custom content blocks, including dynamic content from your mini apps (see mini apps here). </p><p></p><p><img src="/app/webroot/userfiles/309/Image/animate3.gif"></p><p>Create your own Content Blocks (snippets) or Section Blocks in the CMS and decide which ones your client can use</p><p></p><p><img src="/app/webroot/userfiles/309/Image/Screen Shot 2016-12-12 at 3.19.53 PM.png"></p><p><br></p> <p>Beautiful content blocks at your clients fingertips</p> View Item
E-commerce <p>From small stores to large operations that manage over 5,000 SKU's, the PageTree e-commerce application has proven to be a powerful and easy to use system for over 100 clients. <strong>We will be building out more and more of the highlights of our system in the near future, but here are a few for starters (for developers):</strong></p><p><br></p><h2>Theming<br></h2><p>Right out of the gates, the store system looks great, and works seamlessly. All of the theming is accessible for every page of the store system: categories, category results, detail pages, shopping cart, checkout. Using shortcodes (read more about shortcodes here), easily build in layouts that suit your customer needs.<br></p><p><img src="/app/webroot/userfiles/309/Image/Screen Shot 2016-12-13 at 10.54.39 AM.png"></p><p><br></p><h2>Payment Processors<br></h2><p>Our e-store software comes baked-in with three payment gateways for your clients to use: authorize.net®, Stripe®, and Paypal®. <br></p><p><img src="/app/webroot/userfiles/309/Image/Screen Shot 2016-12-13 at 10.57.21 AM.png"></p><p></p><h2><br>Shipping Connections</h2><p>Set shipping methods for domestic/international. We've built Connectors to UPS, Fedex, and USPS shipping API's for real-time rates, and shipping labels<br></p><p><img src="/app/webroot/userfiles/309/Image/Screen Shot 2016-12-13 at 11.00.39 AM.png"></p><p><img src="/app/webroot/userfiles/309/Image/Screen Shot 2016-12-13 at 11.01.25 AM.png"></p><p><br></p><h2>E-store Dashboard</h2><p>Clients get a quick-look dashboard on their orders.. <br></p><p></p><p><img src="/app/webroot/userfiles/309/Image/Screen Shot 2016-12-13 at 10.37.17 AM.png"></p> <p>full-bore selling machine<br></p> View Item
PT Shortcodes <p>As in other CMS platforms, shortcodes are a great way to display re-usable content, insert dynamic data in static HTML, use built-in content containers, query records from your mini-apps, add widgets and so much more. Our system has many of them built-in from the start. Use them in your theming, page builds, app builds, e-store, content builder sections, etc to create otherwise very complex pages. </p><p><img src="/app/webroot/userfiles/309/Image/Screen Shot 2016-12-13 at 12.16.15 PM.png"></p><p><br></p> <p>Sprinkle dynamic or re-usable content with our shortcode system<br></p> View Item